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Five party representatives answer questions from Chinese and foreign journalists.

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Five party representatives answer questions from Chinese and foreign journalists.

Release date:2018-08-09 Author:环保设备网 Click:

On October 23, the 19th National Congress Press Center held a collective interview on the theme of "Fighting a Strong Battle of Ecological and Environmental Protection". Five Party representatives answered questions from Chinese and foreign reporters on the spot. Gao Jianmin, director of the Department of Environmental Protection of Hebei Province, said that smog control should maintain a high-pressure situation; Hu Guanjiu, deputy director of Jiangsu Environmental Monitoring Center, said that environmental monitoring should be "who is responsible for the data".

On October 23, the 19th National Information Center held a collective interview on the theme of "fighting the battle of ecological and environmental protection", inviting Zhu Hua, Director of Fujian Environmental Protection Department, Gao Jianmin, Director of Hebei Environmental Protection Department, Zhang Lihua, Director of Liaoning Institute of Environmental Sciences, Huang Bin, Director of Environmental Monitoring Center Station of Zhangjiajie Environmental Protection Bureau, Hunan Province, and Jiangsu Province Hu Guanjiu, deputy director of the provincial environmental monitoring center, five party representatives answered questions from Chinese and foreign reporters at the scene.

Zhu Hua, director of Fujian provincial environmental protection department

Green development

Introduce green financial system

Zhu Hua said that the first is to adhere to green development, and Fujian should pay attention to the addition and subtraction of green development. Addition is to pay attention to the development of green low carbon cycle of emerging industries in the industrial structure, focusing on upgrading traditional industries through technological transformation. Subtraction is to reduce the stock of pollution and eliminate backward production capacity. Two, through green development, people can enjoy more green benefits. Third, we should adhere to the green orientation, establish a target responsibility system for ecological environment protection, and increase the proportion of ecological environment work. Fujian has set up a set of optimized assessment methods, focusing on ecological quality and increasing farmers' income. Fourth, adhere to green innovation, Fujian has introduced a series of green financial systems, using market-oriented mechanisms to promote pollution prevention and control.

Gao Jianmin, director of Hebei provincial environmental protection department

Haze control

Maintain haze and high pressure situation

In view of the problem of haze control, Gao Jianmin said that in recent years, Hebei has adhered to the scientific management of haze, coordinated management of haze, iron wrist management of haze. Source control and precise measures to reduce pollution emissions. To iron and steel, coal and other industries, unswervingly remove production capacity; to promote clean heating in winter, coal-fired generators ultra-low emissions upgrading and transformation, reduce the total consumption of coal; at the same time, control industrial pollution sources, strictly suppress dust. The whole nation and the whole society participate in the treatment of haze. We should intensify environmental law enforcement inspection and supervision, and always maintain the high pressure situation of haze control. At present, the air quality in Hebei is improving and stabilizing steadily.

Zhang Lihua, President of Liaoning Academy of Environmental Sciences

Environmental Education: promoting the development of non-governmental environmental protection organizations

In response to questions about environmental education, Zhang Lihua said that environmental protection is everyone's hope that the whole society to participate in environmental protection work. We should strengthen environmental propaganda, promote ecological civilization and how to protect the environment through activities such as environmental protection halls, spread the concept of green to all corners, strengthen environmental education, such as compiling teaching materials to tell children how to care for the surrounding flowers and plants, green creation, etc., and promote the development of non-governmental environmental organizations. To build a harmonious society between man and nature is also natural, tranquil, harmonious and beautiful.

Huang Bin, director of analysis center, environmental monitoring center, Zhangjiajie Environmental Protection Bureau, Hunan

Environmental protection work

Efforts to make this generation

In answer to the question of why he chose to engage in environmental protection work, Huang Bin said that the construction of ecological civilization in the contemporary, benefit in the long run. Environmental protection is not only a job, but also a career. It is a very meaningful undertaking. In environmental protection work, we can reap a full sense of accomplishment, which makes us feel very happy and happy. Together with the environmentalists, I will make great efforts to protect our green mountains and waters, protect our beautiful homeland, and leave a beautiful environment for future generations.

Hu Guanjiu, deputy director of Jiangsu environmental monitoring center

Environmental monitoring

Preventing excessive pursuit of profits

How to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of environmental monitoring data in work? Hu Guanjiu believes that monitoring personnel should be trained and tested to ensure the accuracy of data in monitoring technology and ability. Strengthen "who is responsible for data, who is responsible for signing." Those engaged in monitoring must have professional ethics and professional dignity. In terms of environmental monitoring institutions, relevant quality regulations should be stipulated and implemented in accordance with the regulations, from personnel qualification to instruments and equipment, to standard methods and standard samples. For enterprises or third-party monitoring organizations, to prevent excessive pursuit of commercial profits and data distortion and fraud. Supervisory departments should strengthen supervision. Once distorted enterprises are found, they should be punished according to law and supervised by social supervision.

This website:http://www.jslshb.com/en/news/394.html

Key word:蜗形脱水机,高效多级鼓风机,高压多级鼓风机

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