High pressure multistage blower

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Exploring ways to save energy for axial flow fans in mines

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Exploring ways to save energy for axial flow fans in mines

Release date:2018-08-10 Author:环保设备网 Click:

According to the operation of fans all over the country, there is a great waste of energy. There is a great potential for energy saving in the operation of fans. It is of great significance to take effective measures to do a good job in energy saving of fans for reducing production costs, reducing energy waste and ensuring the sustainable development of national economy. Fan energy saving is also a system engineering, not only to consider the fan selection, regulation and frequency conversion technology and other measures, but also to optimize the ventilation network, reduce ventilation resistance. From the fan itself, we should focus on the following aspects:

1) Reasonable selection of high-efficiency fans, and as far as possible to design the initial and final working conditions in the high-efficiency area of fan operation. When the existing fan products can not meet the requirements, we should consider the use of personalized design, so that the fan in the whole service life of economic and efficient operation, to achieve the purpose of energy saving and consumption reduction;

2) Reasonable use of changing blade installation angle, variable speed adjustment or comprehensive use of two adjustment methods, so that the fan has always been efficient and economical operation, to achieve the purpose of energy saving and consumption reduction;

3) Reasonable use of frequency conversion technology to improve the power factor of the fan motor, improve the efficiency of the motor, and adjust the working conditions through frequency conversion to achieve the purpose of energy saving and consumption reduction.

This website:http://www.jslshb.com/en/news/445.html

Key word:蜗形脱水机,高效多级鼓风机,高压多级鼓风机

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