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Environmental protection industry: "G20 blue" hits environmental protection fever again

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Environmental protection industry: "G20 blue" hits environmental protection fever again

Release date:2018-08-09 Author:环保设备网 Click:

G20 forced Jiangsu and Zhejiang to introduce environmental quality assurance programs. G20 shoulders China's role as a window to show the world the quality of the environment, and pressures Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to increase environmental supervision, such as: Zhejiang Province announced the "G20 Summit Construction System Environmental Quality Guarantee Work Programme", the program centered on the main stadium, according to the reference radius of 50 km, 100 km and 300 km to delimit the core area, strictly controlled area, controlled area, delimited. From September 6 to September 6, environmental work meetings were held in Shanghai and Anhui, which are located in the "moat" 200 km around the summit.

On the eve of the G20 meeting, the central environmental protection inspection team was on patrol. At present, the first batch of on-site supervision of the Central Environmental Protection Inspection has all been completed. According to statistics, more than 2000 people have been held accountable by the Party and government departments in eight provinces and autonomous regions, and the total amount of fines has exceeded 100 million yuan. Among them, according to the data of Jiangsu Environmental Protection Department, 2111 were ordered to rectify, 1059 cases were put on file, the amount of penalty was 78.14 million yuan, 573 people were interviewed and 386 people were accountable.

There are three main ways to benefit from the "G20 blue" attack. (1) Atmosphere: Referring to the APEC period, the Ministry of Environmental Protection ruled out 15 inspection teams to supervise and control the atmospheric quality. The G20 Summit will also attack atmospheric control on environmental quality, benefiting from: VOCs, clean coal technology reform, ultra-low emissions and comprehensive utilization of biomass; (2) Sewage treatment: Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas as major printing and dyeing households, waste water treatment questions. The G20 is expected to promote joint prevention and control of water pollution in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, benefiting from industrial wastewater, urban sewage, rural sewage treatment and monitoring areas; (3) PPP: the G20 is expected to derive large-scale PPP projects, central and private enterprises will take the lead in the benefits.

This website:http://www.jslshb.com/en/news/406.html

Key word:蜗形脱水机,高效多级鼓风机,高压多级鼓风机

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