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Name of enterprise: Jiangsu Laisen environmental protection equipment Co., Ltd.

Tel: 0513-88619286

Mobile phone: 18862726528

Mailbox: 619920366@qq.com

Website: www.jslshb.com/cn

Address: Zhang Dui, Ya Zhou Town, Haian County, Jiangsu Province

Jiangsu Laisen congratulates your friends on 2016 happy New Year!!!

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Jiangsu Laisen congratulates your friends on 2016 happy New Year!!!

Release date:2016-02-07 Author:本站 Click:

The company's staff and friends:

Happy new year, everyone!

With the bright sunshine of 2016, we bid farewell to the challenging and promising year 2015 and usher in the promising and enterprising year 2016. Here, we express our heartfelt thanks and blessings to all our colleagues who have worked hard and devoted themselves to the development of our company in the past year. We also extend our sincere greetings and deep respect to you in the Spring Festival.

Looking back on the past year is not an ordinary one, but also a landmark year since the establishment of Jiangsu Laissen Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. Looking back on the course, our Jiangsu Laisenhuan owes much to the efforts and dedication of all our colleagues over the years. In the past time, our company has always maintained a healthy, good, steady and sustainable development momentum. Achievements, condensed the wishes of the company's leadership, but also condensed the company's management of the arduous, but also all colleagues are determined to pursue and unremitting efforts. In 2016, the company will further deepen the management system reform, promote diversified product sales, and seek greater development space and the ability to resist market risks. In the future development, the company will put the strategic intention of talent development in the most important position, dedicated to providing colleagues with a broader and better career development platform. At the same time, we welcome colleagues to recommend more experienced, outstanding people with lofty ideals to join our Jiangsu Lai Sen Huan family, to inject more, stronger and fresher vitality into the future development of our company. For our company in the future fierce market competition in the continuous growth and development, in the exploration forward, in practice sublimation. We should realize our common ideal in the course of development: to be strong, to be bigger and to do well.

Standing at a new starting point, we work together to look forward to the goals and development blueprint of 2016, we firmly believe that: the new year, new hope, new cultivation, through the joint efforts of all colleagues, our Jiangsu Laissen Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. will be able to achieve new leaps and create new brilliance. 2016 will open up a blue sky for our journey to open up markets. The horn of progress has sounded. We have set sail in Laisen, Jiangsu Province. The sea is full of waves.  

The sunshine of the new year is the call for sailing, and it is also the bugle that urges people to advance. Let's work hard together, colleagues, to make greater progress in the new journey. We do not deny that we must fully realize that in the new year we will face more and more new difficulties and challenges, but the market full of challenges also contains new development and agreement. Machine. Crisis and opportunity coexist, pressure and motivation are at the same time. We firmly believe that: as long as all our colleagues can unite, work together for development, mutual cooperation and courage to move forward, we will be able to create a new year in our Jiangsu Laisen new achievements and brilliance.

Finally, on the occasion of the New Year, the company once again sincerely wishes all colleagues, customers and leading friends a happy New Year, smooth work, good health, family joy and good luck!

This website:http://www.jslshb.com/en/news/443.html

Key word:蜗形脱水机,高效多级鼓风机,高压多级鼓风机

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